Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Great News

I have some great news!

After being out of work for 2 years I have finally started work, it's only temporary for Christmas, but its a chance to get back onto the employment ladder. Today is my 2nd day and my feet & back ache, as standing for 4 hours serving in BHS is quite tiring, but I'm enjoying it, there is so much to take in and remember though I'm worried that I may forget something important, although the staff are really helpful & friendly as are most of the customers. Tomorrow is my day off then working the rest of the week except Sunday.

Since I have been home I have been determined to keep my layouts to inspired blueprints up to date so when I  saw  sketch 59 I thought wow what a challenge. I already had an idea in mind, which didn't quite work out but here is my take on the sketch I hope you like it.

1 comment:

Janice xxxx said...

congratulations on the job! And lovely layout too!