Saturday, 25 September 2010

In memory of Great Aunt Rose

I just heard yesterday that my Great Aunt Rose passed away aged 100. 

She emigrated to Australia when she was in her 60's to be with some of her family who were already there. 
She was the 3rd eldest daughter in the family (with my Nanny Kemp being the older daughter) and was followed by: Lillian, Alice, and William (who was only 1 when he died) George was the eldest son.

Rose and my Grandmother were very close and I believe it was through Rose that my Gandparents met each other.

Rose's life wasn't all rosy (excuse the pun) she married at 19 and had 5 children, her husband was a bigamist and had 2 other 'wives'.  She married again in 1942 and had another 4 children with this husband leaving her and her children. It was because of all this that I believe that Rose became a strong character. 

She doted on her family and not just her children but her nephews and nieces and there children, and so on. She loved her photos and any new addition was added to he 'rouges' gallery of pictures that she had in her nursing home.

Rose will be sadly missed by all who know her. She had a tough life but she came through it. 

I'd like to share some layouts and photos of her.

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