Monday, 13 September 2010

Now for something different

As many of you know I am obsessed with scrap-booking,  like many Scrap-bookers I started off card-making but felt that although it was nice and my cards were apprieciated by the people I gave them to, I had nothing to look back on. I did take photos of my efforts and yes I managed to sell a few, but all the work that went into making them felt a bit flat afterwards. Then I discovered scrapbooking. Over the years my Mum had lots of photos stashed away in a carier bag in the bottom of the wardrobe and very often I used to get them down and look through them, each one telling it's own story with Mum filling in the gaps, how I wished I had written down the names and events of each photo as she told me. Some I can remember but there are quite a few that I can't and wish she were here to tell me again. Even as a child these photos held a special interest to me. I am gradually scanning them in and occasionally I do use them in layouts, but as you know 2 certain little people seem to dominate my layouts plus 1 furry four legged one as well. 

I have always been interested in making things, as a child I loved helping to make cakes with Nanny Kemp (my Grandmother) She used to knit me cardigans and little suits without a pattern, and I remember Mum telling me that Great Gran taught her to knit dishcloths with string, and she became very good at Fair Isle, (she also used to enjoy embroidery)  I remember her, my Nanny and my Great Gran trying to teach me how to knit.  Could I get it? Like heck I couldn't. It wasn't until I was expecting Brad that I picked up the needles and taught myself to, not just any pattern though, oh no, cable. I was so proud of my efforts, and Nanny Kemp & Great Gran would have been as well. 

So when Esther told me she was expecting Kaity I decided that once again this Granny would make something for the baby... she is now 4 and during the lead up to her birth I had a lot to deal with. Mum passing away, then selling her home and mine, moving and waiting for Kaity to arrive, put paid to completing any knitting I had started. Until...Charis I have just finished the said cardigan intended for Kaity. It's not perfect but its finished and yes I'm proud of my effort. 

So I have now got the knitting bug, scrapping will still take priority and I can't let this picture of the cardigan not be used on a layout can I?

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