Tuesday, 26 July 2011

So much to do so little time...

At least that's my excuse anyway. I have now been back at work 3 months and loving it, especially as I'm now on holiday until 1st September. So I plan to catch up with my scrapbooking which has taken a bit of a back seat whilst I get myself back into the work/life balance. It's surprising how much time I actually wasted during the time I was unemployed, but give me employment any time, I enjoy the challenges (plenty of them) the company, and the sense of belonging to a bigger picture. I know that many people (myself included) have berated going to work and can't wait to be home, but believe me after 3 years (especially when my money ran out)  I'd rather be employed. Yes I have taken a big reduction in salary, but you know what it has made more aware of how much money I was wasting, I wouldn't say that I'm being particularly frugal, but I'm more cautious of what and how much I spend, a case of do I really need it or can I live without it.

Last week I mad a concerted effort to catch up with my scrapbooking especially as Inspired Blueprints had taken a break (I think my mojo joined them) anyway as I was baby sitting I managed to create 3 layouts two of which were taken from some of Inspired Blueprints past sketches all of which can be taken from their website and blog.

Sketch 3:

Sketch 8:

and finally last weeks sketch No: 76

I have said this many times now, but I really enjoy participating in these sketches challenges and I  know that there are many sites that you can join in with, its worthwhile having a go.

This week though I don't think that I will have much time for crafting, as I'm helping to look after Kaity & Charis during the day, as Esther is in Manchester undertaking GCSE marking for AQA, and Brad is working. It is working out quite well as Kaity is at the Church Summer club for 2 hours & Charis is at nursery (apart from yesterday when I had her all day). I went round there at 7 this morning and have just got home.Kaity & I had fun at Capstone Country Park and spent a little time this afternoon crafting after Summer club which was nice. So when Brad came in I helped bath the girls and then handed them over to Daddy for the night shift, so I'm now going to put my feet up and enjoy a few hours of  TV before I go to bed and do the daytime shift tomorrow. I have lots of photos to upload and layouts planned so watch this space.

1 comment:

Kerry said...

great layouts and I'm a IB fan aswell, their sketches are fab. Happy hols.