Sunday, 22 August 2010

She's home...

 What a week.... Last Sunday Charis Megan Elizabeth was born, yesterday she came home, after spending the 1st week of her life in hospital. Esther came home on Tuesday and she and Brad have spent the week going backwards and forwards to the hospital. Kaity went back home on Wednesday and has been spending time visiting her sister as well as being looked after by friends and Myself and Esther's Mum and Dad.

Charis was taken out of the special care unit on Thursday and put into transitional care and I went with Esther to visit (after spending a few hours with Kaity)  My how a baby can change so quickly, she is gaining weight all but slowly but increasing nonetheless and is feeding well. 

Esther was able to stay with Charis overnight on Friday and rang me yesterday (Saturday) to say her and Brad were bring Charis home. Kaity spent the day with me making a welcome home cake for Mummy and a banner to put up, she was so excited she even put on a party dress.

We are so grateful for the care and attention that Charis received and that she is doing well. 

Here I a few photos I took on Thursday at the hospital, and I will post more later.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Awwww Sue she is beautiful you are a very lucky Granny. hugs x