Thursday, 5 May 2011

Busy times ahead

I've now started my first full time job in 3 years and I'm feeling tired. I didn't realise how tiring getting back into a work routine would be, even though I have had a gentle start... last week 3 days due to the Bank holiday Monday & the Royal Wedding and this week only 4 days due to the May Day bank holiday.

Easter week was a busy one for me. I made a decision to reaffirm my Baptism vows by Full immersion on Easter Sunday at Pip & Jims it was a very emotional service and I knew in my heart that it was the right time for me. I have been struggling with my faith for a number of years but after attending the Alpha Course I really felt myself being put back onto the right path. I also felt that with starting a new job I was at the beginning of a new journey. After the service we had a lovely BBQ at Esther's parents house it was lovely to be altogether as one big family.

I watched the Royal wedding at Church on the big screen along with number of others followed by another BBQ. Brad, Esther & the children went away afterwards camping with the Family Fellowship Group, so I haven't seen them since then, and I do miss seeing the girls hopefully I may see them after school today or tomorrow.

Anyway I've now got to start getting into a new routine with work, Church, seeing Kaity & Charis and of course scrapbooking. Inspired Blueprints are now setting a challenge a week which I will try to keep up with. These are my entries for sketches 70 & 71

1 comment:

Kerry said...

What beautiful layouts, I love how you have the photo's of the slide going across the page.